MSB Medical School Berlin GmbH

Our grantees

MSB Medical School Berlin GmbH

RAPPID- (Risk Assessment for the Prevention & Promotion of Internet Deterrence)

Countries involved:

Grant timeline:
March 2023 – March 2025

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SaferNet Brazil

Our grantees SaferNet Brazil D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R: Deploying Innovative Searchability to fight Child Online Violence and Exploitation through evidence-based Research in Brazil Countries involved:Brasil SaferNet Brasil’s “D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R

Huddersfield University

Our grantees Huddersfield University None in Three Emilio Countries involved:Brasil None in Three through the University of Huddersfield will develop an immersive, prosocial computer game, Emilio, to

UNICEF Albania

Our grantees UNICEF Albania Safer and Better Internet for Children and Youth in Albania Countries involved:Albania UNICEF Albania is using support from the Fund to end

Council of Europe 2

Our grantees Council of Europe EndOCSEA@Europe+ Countries involved:Georgia, Montenegro, Moldova (the Republic of) The Council of Europe is using support from the Fund to promote, facilitate

Pathfinder Kindred

Our grantees Pathfinder Kindred The Auditor Countries involved:Australia, New Zealand Pathfinder Kindred is developing ‘The Auditor’, a software solution designed to work with Internet Hotlines, government

Save the Children Hong Kong

Our grantees

Save the Children Hong Kong

Protecting children from online grooming: Cross-cultural, qualitative and child-centred data to guide grooming prevention and response

Countries involved:
Hong Kong

Grant timeline:
March 2023 – September 2024

Grantee website:

Funding amount:

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SaferNet Brazil

Our grantees SaferNet Brazil D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R: Deploying Innovative Searchability to fight Child Online Violence and Exploitation through evidence-based Research in Brazil Countries involved:Brasil SaferNet Brasil’s “D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R

Huddersfield University

Our grantees Huddersfield University None in Three Emilio Countries involved:Brasil None in Three through the University of Huddersfield will develop an immersive, prosocial computer game, Emilio, to

UNICEF Albania

Our grantees UNICEF Albania Safer and Better Internet for Children and Youth in Albania Countries involved:Albania UNICEF Albania is using support from the Fund to end

Council of Europe 2

Our grantees Council of Europe EndOCSEA@Europe+ Countries involved:Georgia, Montenegro, Moldova (the Republic of) The Council of Europe is using support from the Fund to promote, facilitate

Pathfinder Kindred

Our grantees Pathfinder Kindred The Auditor Countries involved:Australia, New Zealand Pathfinder Kindred is developing ‘The Auditor’, a software solution designed to work with Internet Hotlines, government

Swansea University 2

Our grantees

Swansea University

DRAGON (Developing Resistance Against Grooming Online): Stories Strengthened Safeguards

Countries involved:
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

DRAGONS+ builds on Swansea University’s expertise in anti-grooming technology to pioneer research at the intersection of offender and child interaction. This research considers development of perceived-first-person CSAM and how children try to communicatively resist groomers’ manipulation.  

The project newly synergises linguistics and participatory research methods. It is developed in partnership with UK-based lived experience experts and with child safeguarding practitioners internationally (e.g., child helpline counsellors, hotline analysts, police school liaison officers). Partners in this work span the Global North and South, enabling engagement of multiple languages, including British English, Colombian and Peninsular Spanish, Vietnamese and British Sign Language. Key project partners include: Marie Collins Foundation, DeafKidz International, INHOPE, INSAFE / European Schoolnet, Project StopOnSexGroom and Red PaPaz. DRAGONS+ will generate novel, richly contextualized insights to anchor the design and implementation, particularly for tech industry, of actionable online grooming preventative technology at scale. 

Grant timeline:
March 2023 – June 2024

Grantee website:

Funding amount:

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SaferNet Brazil

Our grantees SaferNet Brazil D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R: Deploying Innovative Searchability to fight Child Online Violence and Exploitation through evidence-based Research in Brazil Countries involved:Brasil SaferNet Brasil’s “D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R

Huddersfield University

Our grantees Huddersfield University None in Three Emilio Countries involved:Brasil None in Three through the University of Huddersfield will develop an immersive, prosocial computer game, Emilio, to

UNICEF Albania

Our grantees UNICEF Albania Safer and Better Internet for Children and Youth in Albania Countries involved:Albania UNICEF Albania is using support from the Fund to end

Council of Europe 2

Our grantees Council of Europe EndOCSEA@Europe+ Countries involved:Georgia, Montenegro, Moldova (the Republic of) The Council of Europe is using support from the Fund to promote, facilitate

Pathfinder Kindred

Our grantees Pathfinder Kindred The Auditor Countries involved:Australia, New Zealand Pathfinder Kindred is developing ‘The Auditor’, a software solution designed to work with Internet Hotlines, government

Suojellaan Lapsia Ry 2

Our grantees

Suojellaan Lapsia Ry

Primary Prevention to Protect Children: Offender-focused prevention of online sexual violence against children

Countries involved:

Suojellaan Lapsia Ry will develop and launch ReDirection, an evidence-based self-help programme working to prevent the consumption of CSAM on the Dark Web. By providing targeted support for these individuals, the project will also reveal new information about these searchers and their pathways to CSAM access and use. This programme builds on the Finnish government’s accredited New Direction rehabilitation programme for sex offenders. Headquartered in Finland, this project has a global reach.

Grant timeline:
March 2023 – June 2024

Grantee website:

Funding amount:

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SaferNet Brazil

Our grantees SaferNet Brazil D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R: Deploying Innovative Searchability to fight Child Online Violence and Exploitation through evidence-based Research in Brazil Countries involved:Brasil SaferNet Brasil’s “D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R

Huddersfield University

Our grantees Huddersfield University None in Three Emilio Countries involved:Brasil None in Three through the University of Huddersfield will develop an immersive, prosocial computer game, Emilio, to

UNICEF Albania

Our grantees UNICEF Albania Safer and Better Internet for Children and Youth in Albania Countries involved:Albania UNICEF Albania is using support from the Fund to end

Council of Europe 2

Our grantees Council of Europe EndOCSEA@Europe+ Countries involved:Georgia, Montenegro, Moldova (the Republic of) The Council of Europe is using support from the Fund to promote, facilitate

Pathfinder Kindred

Our grantees Pathfinder Kindred The Auditor Countries involved:Australia, New Zealand Pathfinder Kindred is developing ‘The Auditor’, a software solution designed to work with Internet Hotlines, government

EPCAT International (Disrupting Harm)

Our grantees

EPCAT International (Disrupting Harm)

Disrupting Harm 2

Countries involved:

Disrupting Harm is a large-scale data collection and research project to better understand online child sexual exploitation and abuse across the world. This study is assessing the scale, nature and context of this issue in 14 countries across Southern and Eastern Africa and Southeast Asia. Supported by the Fund, three grantee partners will work together to conduct the study, including ECPAT InternationalINTERPOL and the UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti. UNICEF’s role is o conduct nationally-representative household surveys with approximately 1,000 children and 1,000 of their parents/caregivers in each of the 14 partner countries, together with UNICEF Country Offices.

Learn more about Disrupting Harm by visiting the project’s dedicated webpage.

The role of EPCAT International

ECPAT International will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the existing research, legislation, policy, and systems addressing online child sexual exploitation and abuse in the 14 project countries. They will also collect relevant data through in-depth interviews with senior duty-bearers and governments; deliver face to face surveys with national welfare staff; interview caregivers, parents and justice stakeholders to assess the access to justice in each country; gather information from national hotlines and helplines; engage with the organisations operating in the tech and digital space; and interview survivors of sexual abuse and exploitation. 

ECPAT International is a global network of 121 child rights organisations across more than 100 countries. Since the 1990s, ECPAT has worked to end all forms of sexual exploitation of children; through prostitution; trafficking; child, early and forced marriage, online and in the context of travel and tourism. The ECPAT International Secretariat is based in Bangkok, Thailand, and advocates for stronger legal protection of children; raise awareness about the issue; partners with the private sector to prevent their services from being misused to harm children; conducts research to better understand the crime, and create space for children to access their rights.  

For more information, read the disrupting harm project brief in English. The project brief is also available in the following languages:

Khmer   Vietnamese  Bahasa Indonesia      Thai Portuguese

Grant timeline:
May 2022 – August 2025

Grantee website:

Funding amount:

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SaferNet Brazil

Our grantees SaferNet Brazil D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R: Deploying Innovative Searchability to fight Child Online Violence and Exploitation through evidence-based Research in Brazil Countries involved:Brasil SaferNet Brasil’s “D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R

Huddersfield University

Our grantees Huddersfield University None in Three Emilio Countries involved:Brasil None in Three through the University of Huddersfield will develop an immersive, prosocial computer game, Emilio, to

UNICEF Albania

Our grantees UNICEF Albania Safer and Better Internet for Children and Youth in Albania Countries involved:Albania UNICEF Albania is using support from the Fund to end

Council of Europe 2

Our grantees Council of Europe EndOCSEA@Europe+ Countries involved:Georgia, Montenegro, Moldova (the Republic of) The Council of Europe is using support from the Fund to promote, facilitate

Pathfinder Kindred

Our grantees Pathfinder Kindred The Auditor Countries involved:Australia, New Zealand Pathfinder Kindred is developing ‘The Auditor’, a software solution designed to work with Internet Hotlines, government

UNICEF Office of Research Innocenti (Disrupting Harm) 2

Our grantees

UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti (Disrupting Harm)

Disrupting Harm 2

Countries involved:

Disrupting Harm is a large-scale data collection and research project to better understand online child sexual exploitation and abuse across the world. This study is assessing the scale, nature and context of this issue in 14 countries across Southern and Eastern Africa and Southeast Asia. Supported by the Fund, three grantee partners will work together to conduct the study, including ECPAT InternationalINTERPOL and the UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti. UNICEF’s role is o conduct nationally-representative household surveys with approximately 1,000 children and 1,000 of their parents/caregivers in each of the 14 partner countries, together with UNICEF Country Offices.

Learn more about Disrupting Harm by visiting the project’s dedicated webpage.

The role of UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti

UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti will seek to better understand the perspectives of children through nationally representative household surveys from 1,000 children and 1,000 caretakers in each project country. By speaking to children directly, UNICEF aims to gain deeper understanding of children’s experiences of online violence within the larger context of their general internet use. 

The Office of Research – Innocenti is UNICEF’s dedicated research centre. The Office works closely with UNICEF and other external academic and research institutions to undertake cutting-edge, policy-relevant research that equips the organisation and the wider global community to deliver results for children. As part of UNICEF, the Office works with national offices and governments in more than 150 countries around the world. 

For more information, read the disrupting harm project brief in English. The project brief is also available in the following languages:

Khmer   Vietnamese  Bahasa Indonesia      Thai Portuguese

Grant timeline:
April 2022 – July 2025

Grantee website:

Funding amount:

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SaferNet Brazil

Our grantees SaferNet Brazil D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R: Deploying Innovative Searchability to fight Child Online Violence and Exploitation through evidence-based Research in Brazil Countries involved:Brasil SaferNet Brasil’s “D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R

Huddersfield University

Our grantees Huddersfield University None in Three Emilio Countries involved:Brasil None in Three through the University of Huddersfield will develop an immersive, prosocial computer game, Emilio, to

UNICEF Albania

Our grantees UNICEF Albania Safer and Better Internet for Children and Youth in Albania Countries involved:Albania UNICEF Albania is using support from the Fund to end

Council of Europe 2

Our grantees Council of Europe EndOCSEA@Europe+ Countries involved:Georgia, Montenegro, Moldova (the Republic of) The Council of Europe is using support from the Fund to promote, facilitate

Pathfinder Kindred

Our grantees Pathfinder Kindred The Auditor Countries involved:Australia, New Zealand Pathfinder Kindred is developing ‘The Auditor’, a software solution designed to work with Internet Hotlines, government

University of Kent

Our grantees

University of Kent

Understanding and Improving Help-seeking by People at Risk of Perpetrating Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Countries involved:
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The Centre of Research and Education in Forensic Psychology at the University of Kent is a group of leading psychologists working on offending behaviour, including sexual exploitation and abuse. In partnership with the Lucy Faithfull Foundation and researchers based in South Africa, Mexico, the US and UK, this project will shed light on the psychological processes through which people at risk of online sexual exploitation and abuse may instead seek professional support. In addition, the group will explore the efficacy and impact of prevention interventions targeting people engaging with online abuse. Overall, the project will ask a fundamental – and often overlooked – question: who seeks help for child sexual exploitation and abuse, and can we get more people to do so before committing a crime?

This project will expand the group’s existing model of psychological predicators of help-seeking for people at risk of offending, and examine how to amplify the psychological factors that support such help-seeking behaviours. At the same time, the project will also look into the psychological barriers that prevent help-seeking, and explore ways to weaken those barriers in the digital sphere.

Learn more about Tech Coalition Safe Online Research Fund and the Advisory Group of experts who have collaborated to guide this work.

Grant timeline:
January 2022 – June 2023

Grantee website:

Funding amount:

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SaferNet Brazil

Our grantees SaferNet Brazil D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R: Deploying Innovative Searchability to fight Child Online Violence and Exploitation through evidence-based Research in Brazil Countries involved:Brasil SaferNet Brasil’s “D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R

Huddersfield University

Our grantees Huddersfield University None in Three Emilio Countries involved:Brasil None in Three through the University of Huddersfield will develop an immersive, prosocial computer game, Emilio, to

UNICEF Albania

Our grantees UNICEF Albania Safer and Better Internet for Children and Youth in Albania Countries involved:Albania UNICEF Albania is using support from the Fund to end

Council of Europe 2

Our grantees Council of Europe EndOCSEA@Europe+ Countries involved:Georgia, Montenegro, Moldova (the Republic of) The Council of Europe is using support from the Fund to promote, facilitate

Pathfinder Kindred

Our grantees Pathfinder Kindred The Auditor Countries involved:Australia, New Zealand Pathfinder Kindred is developing ‘The Auditor’, a software solution designed to work with Internet Hotlines, government

INTERPOL (Disrupting Harm) 2

Our grantees

INTERPOL (Disrupting Harm)

Disrupting Harm 2

Countries involved:

Disrupting Harm is a large-scale data collection and research project to better understand online child sexual exploitation and abuse across the world. This study is assessing the scale, nature and context of this issue in 14 countries across Southern and Eastern Africa and Southeast Asia. Supported by the Fund, three grantee partners will work together to conduct the study, including ECPAT InternationalINTERPOL and the UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti. UNICEF’s role is o conduct nationally-representative household surveys with approximately 1,000 children and 1,000 of their parents/caregivers in each of the 14 partner countries, together with UNICEF Country Offices.

Learn more about Disrupting Harm by visiting the project’s dedicated webpage.

The role of INTERPOL

The Disrupting Harm project is being led by INTERPOL’s Crimes Against Children Unit, which works to identify and rescue young victims of sexual abuse; block access to child sexual abuse material; and prevent sex offenders from travelling abroad to escape justice or abuse children. In this project, INTERPOL will use its expertise and networks to better understand how technology facilitates the sexual abuse and exploitation of children. Their assessment will be built on data from law enforcement agencies, non-governmental organisations and the digital and online industry. INTERPOL will also conduct a needs analysis of the capacity of law enforcement agencies to counter online child sexual exploitation and abuse in each country.

INTERPOL is the International Criminal Police Organization. As an inter-governmental organization, its role is to assist law enforcement agencies across its 194 member countries to combat all forms of transnational crime. The Organization maintains global databases containing police information on criminals and crime, and provides operational and forensic support, analysis services and training. 

For more information, read the disrupting harm project brief in English. The project brief is also available in the following languages:

Khmer   Vietnamese  Bahasa Indonesia      Thai Portuguese

Grant timeline:
October 2022 – October 2025

Grantee website:

Funding amount:

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SaferNet Brazil

Our grantees SaferNet Brazil D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R: Deploying Innovative Searchability to fight Child Online Violence and Exploitation through evidence-based Research in Brazil Countries involved:Brasil SaferNet Brasil’s “D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R

Huddersfield University

Our grantees Huddersfield University None in Three Emilio Countries involved:Brasil None in Three through the University of Huddersfield will develop an immersive, prosocial computer game, Emilio, to

UNICEF Albania

Our grantees UNICEF Albania Safer and Better Internet for Children and Youth in Albania Countries involved:Albania UNICEF Albania is using support from the Fund to end

Council of Europe 2

Our grantees Council of Europe EndOCSEA@Europe+ Countries involved:Georgia, Montenegro, Moldova (the Republic of) The Council of Europe is using support from the Fund to promote, facilitate

Pathfinder Kindred

Our grantees Pathfinder Kindred The Auditor Countries involved:Australia, New Zealand Pathfinder Kindred is developing ‘The Auditor’, a software solution designed to work with Internet Hotlines, government

Technological University Dublin

Our grantees

Technological University Dublin

N-light: An Innovative Application to Uncover Patterns of Online Child Sexual Exploitation Through National Helpline and Hotline Analysis of Caseloads

Countries involved:

Through this project, Technological University Dublin will develop a deployable tool that reveals the patterns of adults perpetrating online child sexual abuse and the children who are affected by such violence. By using advanced artificial intelligence machine learning for text, the study will advance global understanding of trends in perpetrator behaviour (conduct, contact, content) – including grooming – and debunk strategies and tactics used to lure and coerce children into sexually exploitative acts.

N-Light will be created in collaboration with two essential partner organisations, the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) and, the Irish national centre combatting illegal content online, specifically child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and activities relating to online child sexual exploitation (OCSE). Once finalized, N-Light will be tested by both partner organisations, with the intention to make it available to other hotlines in the INHOPE network and child agencies for their use, which would in turn lead to an enriched, more robust and representative data sample and analysis capacity.

In addition, the data and insights will serve to better understand and conceptualise victim and perpetrator behaviour, patterns and activity, ultimately informing the further development of evidence-based solutions that would have the potential of transformative impact in tackling this heinous crime against children.

Learn more about Tech Coalition Safe Online Research Fund and the Advisory Group of experts who have collaborated to guide this work.

Grant timeline:
November 2021 – December 2024

Grantee website:

Funding amount:

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SaferNet Brazil

Our grantees SaferNet Brazil D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R: Deploying Innovative Searchability to fight Child Online Violence and Exploitation through evidence-based Research in Brazil Countries involved:Brasil SaferNet Brasil’s “D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R

Huddersfield University

Our grantees Huddersfield University None in Three Emilio Countries involved:Brasil None in Three through the University of Huddersfield will develop an immersive, prosocial computer game, Emilio, to

UNICEF Albania

Our grantees UNICEF Albania Safer and Better Internet for Children and Youth in Albania Countries involved:Albania UNICEF Albania is using support from the Fund to end

Council of Europe 2

Our grantees Council of Europe EndOCSEA@Europe+ Countries involved:Georgia, Montenegro, Moldova (the Republic of) The Council of Europe is using support from the Fund to promote, facilitate

Pathfinder Kindred

Our grantees Pathfinder Kindred The Auditor Countries involved:Australia, New Zealand Pathfinder Kindred is developing ‘The Auditor’, a software solution designed to work with Internet Hotlines, government

Middlesex University

Our grantees

Middlesex University

Invisible Risks: Combating Secondary Trauma to Safeguard Children

Countries involved:
United Kindgom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

We know that online child sexual abuse material is highly damaging to children. But today, little primary research exists about the impact such material has on content moderators – individuals who are charged with constantly surveilling and removing traumatic images and videos of child sexual abuse.

Through this project, researchers at Middlesex University, in collaboration with INHOPE and other sectors specific organisations, will explore and quantify the issues facing content moderators, specifically as it relates to their exposure of traumatic child sexual abuse material. They will also identify coping strategies currently used by content moderators, and highlight what works – and what does not work – for individuals and organisations that do this work. Results of this study will be used to develop a pilot intervention to support and protect the mental health of content moderators.

Learn more about Tech Coalition Safe Online Research Fund and the Advisory Group of experts who have collaborated to guide this work.

Grant timeline:
October 2021 – June 2023

Grantee website:

Funding amount:

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SaferNet Brazil

Our grantees SaferNet Brazil D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R: Deploying Innovative Searchability to fight Child Online Violence and Exploitation through evidence-based Research in Brazil Countries involved:Brasil SaferNet Brasil’s “D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R

Huddersfield University

Our grantees Huddersfield University None in Three Emilio Countries involved:Brasil None in Three through the University of Huddersfield will develop an immersive, prosocial computer game, Emilio, to

UNICEF Albania

Our grantees UNICEF Albania Safer and Better Internet for Children and Youth in Albania Countries involved:Albania UNICEF Albania is using support from the Fund to end

Council of Europe 2

Our grantees Council of Europe EndOCSEA@Europe+ Countries involved:Georgia, Montenegro, Moldova (the Republic of) The Council of Europe is using support from the Fund to promote, facilitate

Pathfinder Kindred

Our grantees Pathfinder Kindred The Auditor Countries involved:Australia, New Zealand Pathfinder Kindred is developing ‘The Auditor’, a software solution designed to work with Internet Hotlines, government

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Our purpose in detail

We are here to ensure every child and young person grows in to the digital world feeling safe, and is protected from harm.

We support, champion, and invest in innovative partners from the public, private, and third sectors working towards the same objective.

We believe in equipping guardians and young people with the skills to understand and see danger themselves once accessing digital experiences without supervision.

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