Learn to report abuse

Girl doing homework online

We all have a responsibility to speak up for children’s safety online, including parents, teachers, communities, governments and technology companies. If you think someone you know might be in danger, do not wait another moment. Report abuse (or suspected abuse) today. 

The collection of resources below will help you do so.

Report child sexual abuse now

If you or someone you know is in danger, contact the police or emergency services in your country as soon as possible. If you see something, you have a responsibility to say something – for the good of children everywhere. 

Seek help and report abuse

Check out Child Helpline International’s global list of helplines and locate one in your country. Through these helplines, trained professionals will respond to your messages and provide the information you need – confidentially. 

Report images, videos and websites with child sexual abuse material

Explore the global list of INHOPE hotlines to find out if there is one in your country. You can also report directly to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children’s Cybertipline or through the Internet Watch Foundation’s reporting portals.

Report child sexual abuse on social media platforms

Many social media companies have embedded reporting mechanisms into their platforms.

Learn more about keeping children safe online

Quick fixes

Make sure your children are social media ready and teach them to report abuse

Explore more resources

For more resources, please click here.

Playdate with a predator

For shorter versions of this PSA, please click here for a 15-second clip and here for a 10-second clip.

Wizard quest

For shorter versions of this PSA, please click here for a 15-second clip and here for a 10-second clip.

End Violence teamed up with our partners in the technology sector – Microsoft, Twitter, TikTok and Roblox – to boost awareness of online sexual exploitation and abuse of young people across the globe.

Together, we have created two videos that help illustrate some of the risks children face online, with a focus on sexual exploitation and abuse. We have also collected a set of resources to help tackle them, including essential reporting helplines, hotlines and social media platforms.

Universal internet access is predicted by, at the very latest, 2050 – and COVID-19 has only sped up that process. This expansion will bring about unprecedented opportunities and incredible connections. But to truly harness those benefits, we need to make the internet safe for its most vulnerable users: our children. 

Stay in the loop.

Our purpose in detail

We are here to ensure every child and young person grows in to the digital world feeling safe, and is protected from harm.

We support, champion, and invest in innovative partners from the public, private, and third sectors working towards the same objective.

We believe in equipping guardians and young people with the skills to understand and see danger themselves once accessing digital experiences without supervision.

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