Stories from our grantees

We help create real change, so on this page we want to spotlight our impact by looking at the real stories of the people we work with.

Featured stories

New Laws in Peru

A Major Victory for Children in Peru as Country Brings in New Law to Tackle Online CSEA

Creating a new online 'Game'

A New Educational ‘game’ to Teach Children About Being #SafeOnline

Improving prosecution

Malaysia Takes Pivotal Steps Towards a Safer Internet for Children Following Data From Disrupting Harm

More stories are coming...

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Our blog

Safe Online Network Forum Latin America & the Caribbean

As 2024 comes to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on a year marked by both immense challenges and significant opportunities in safeguarding children in an increasingly digital world. The rapid evolution of technologies—such as Generative AI and extended reality platforms—has reshaped our digital landscape, offering immense potential but also exacerbating the risks children face online. While these technological advancements promise to change lives for the better, they also outpace our collective ability to protect children from harm, presenting critical questions about how we mobilize the necessary resources to respond.

Our blog

2024: A Year of Urgency, Vision, and Partnership in Safeguarding Children Online

As 2024 comes to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on a year marked by both immense challenges and significant opportunities in safeguarding children in an increasingly digital world. The rapid evolution of technologies—such as Generative AI and extended reality platforms—has reshaped our digital landscape, offering immense potential but also exacerbating the risks children face online. While these technological advancements promise to change lives for the better, they also outpace our collective ability to protect children from harm, presenting critical questions about how we mobilize the necessary resources to respond.

Our blog

A historic opportunity to protect children from digital harms: Open Letter

Every day, technology dominates headlines—whether it’s the rise of generative AI, the growth of immersive experiences, or the influence of algorithms on our daily lives. But behind the excitement, there’s a darker story that needs urgent attention: the safety of children and young people in the digital world.

Our blog

Recap – Safe digital futures for children: Data for change

In October 2024, the Data for Change community gathered in London for a two-day technical workshop, bringing together over 40 experts from government, tech companies, civil society, and academia. The event focused on strengthening the global data ecosystem for online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA) and fostering collaborative solutions to improve the use of data to protect children online.

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Our donors fund our growing number of projects around the world. Supporting children and young people of all ages acclimatise to the digitial world, helping them to identify threats and avoid exploitation.

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Our purpose in detail

We are here to ensure every child and young person grows in to the digital world feeling safe, and is protected from harm.

We support, champion, and invest in innovative partners from the public, private, and third sectors working towards the same objective.

We believe in equipping guardians and young people with the skills to understand and see danger themselves once accessing digital experiences without supervision.